The Data Dilemma
Have you noticed how long it takes to fully on-board a new employee? Tired of finding out that your safety data isn’t quite matching up with what your contractors are reporting? Unable to bring data together for whole-of-business reporting because it's all in different formats and impossible to figure out which personnel are the same between systems?

Modern corporations run a myriad of IT systems, but system-to-system data sharing is nearly non-existent, forcing staff to double-enter data everywhere. This can end up costing millions - not just in the time spent updating each system, but also indirectly when decisions are made on the basis of out-of-date or incorrect data. Add in the need to share data with your contractors and things can quickly spiral out of control.

PureIntegral DataBOS is designed to solve these problems, built from the ground up to seamlessly synchronise common data like personnel records across your various IT systems. DataBOS's core engine automates record matching and data translations using state-of-the-art algorithms to Blend, Organise and Synchronise your data. Data then smoothly flows between synchronised systems to ensure all updates are translated and sent where they need to be. Administrators are kept in the loop with update reports, notifications of edit conflicts via email and the ability to fine-tune the translation mappings.

DataBOS's system-specific connectors means it can work with cloud-based applications, on-premises systems and even real-time (sensor) feeds. Swapping systems from one vendor to another also becomes much smoother since DataBOS seamlessly takes care of all the translations and matching, allowing you to choose best-of-breed systems for each aspect of your business and avoid vendor lock-in.

Legal Compliance

PureIntegral DataBOS is also able to get you integrating with your partners when you have the legal obligation or business case to share data with them. For example, mine operators and contractors must often share safety and rostering data with one another. This is usually accomplished manually - Excel spreadsheets emailed back-and-forth and double-entered into each company's respective system. DataBOS can reduce your overheads and eliminate mistakes by performing this sharing effortlessly using the same robust matching and translation algorithms that synchronise your internal systems, all transferred over industry-standard secure channels.

Centralised Reporting

The data-integrating nature of DataBOS means it is ideal to be used as a centralised data warehouse to perform whole-of-business reporting. DataBOS transforms your organisation's data into a unified database format that's easy for your IT department to understand and query, and provides fully-fledged APIs for access to any part of the warehouse. User authentication and access control is built-in to the API from the ground up to ensure that users can only see what they are authorised to, including both vertical (domain-level) and horizontal (record-level) permissions - even down to field-level confidentiality enforcement. You can also build your own reports and have them imported into DataBOS to take advantage of the data permissions enforcement as well as use DataBOS's built-in report scheduler to email them out at the interval you desire.

Contact us today to enquire about how DataBOS can assist your organisation to simplify your data integration needs.


Integrated Timesheets and Leave Management

Timesheets and leave handling are a part of everyday working life, requiring requests and approvals. On-site rostering and part-time hours adds to the complexities - the mix of rostered days off and leave days can make leave accrual calculations a headache.

PureIntegral LeaveTime greatly simplifies leave and timesheet data entry by integrating roster information, payroll data, timesheets and leave. Built on top of PureIntegral DataBOS, LeaveTime can automatically pull roster schedules from your rostering system, handle all the leave requests, timesheet entry and accrual calculations before seamlessly updating your payroll system with the new accrual information. An effortless user interface means that users just have to swipe the days they want to apply for leave - the system automatically determines which days are on-roster and kicks off the approval process with emails and sign-offs, and even integrates with your organisation's calendaring system. Timesheets are just as easy, letting users replicate days that are identical via swiping and editing times by simply dragging the duration spent on each task - no more need to tediously enter start and finish times.

Contact us today to enquire if you are interested in trying LeaveTime out for yourself.

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